
1と3のリビジョン間の差分 (その間の編集: 2回)
2021-04-21 22:48:04時点のリビジョン1
サイズ: 1035
編集者: maccha
2021-09-13 02:12:47時点のリビジョン3
サイズ: 1409
編集者: maccha
削除された箇所はこのように表示されます。 追加された箇所はこのように表示されます。
行 2: 行 2:
# setting
行 4: 行 5:
PreferredAuthentications publickey #PreferredAuthentications publickey
行 7: 行 8:
Match host sunrise,saga,atlas
  ProxyJump nest
  User maccha
Host sol
  Hostname sol.edu.cc.uec.ac.jp
  User k1910192
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_sol

## ssh tunnel of sol (Port Fowarding, Local Forward)
#> ssh sol.edu.cc.uec.ac.jp -L 8080:proxy.uec.ac.jp:8080 -l k1910192
Host soltnl
  Hostname sol.edu.cc.uec.ac.jp
  User k1910192
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_sol
  LocalForward 8080 proxy.uec.ac.jp:8080
行 12: 行 23:
Host sol
  HostName sol.edu.cc.uec.ac.jp
  User hoge
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_sol
行 18: 行 25:
  HostName remote.ied.inf.uec.ac.jp
  User hoge
  Hostname remote.ied.inf.uec.ac.jp
  User k1910192
行 22: 行 29:
Host sol2ied
  HostName sol.edu.cc.uec.ac.jp
  User hoge
  LocalForward 5901 localhost:5901
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_sol

Host vncied
  HostName b57.ied.inf.uec.ac.jp
  User hoge
  LocalForward 5901 b57.ied.inf.uec.ac.jp:5901
Host mcnied
  Hostname a35.ied.inf.uec.ac.jp
  User k1910192
行 33: 行 33:
  ProxyCommand ssh -CW %h:%p sol2ied   ProxyJump sol
行 36: 行 36:
# sol reachable servers # MMA
Match Host atlas,hime,saga
  ProxyJump nest
行 38: 行 41:
  HostName nest.mma.club.uec.ac.jp   Hostname nest.mma.club.uec.ac.jp
行 43: 行 46:
# nest reachable servers
行 45: 行 47:
  HostName sunrise   Hostname sunrise.mma.club.uec.ac.jp
  User maccha
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_sunrise
  ProxyJump sol

Host moon
  Hostname moon.mma.club.uec.ac.jp
  User maccha
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_moon
  ProxyJump sol

Host atlas
  User maccha
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_atlas

Host hime
  User maccha
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_hime
行 48: 行 67:
  HostName saga

Host atlas
  HostName atlas
  User maccha
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_saga
行 55: 行 72:
  User git
行 56: 行 74:
  User git

# setting
ForwardAgent yes
ServerAliveInterval 60
#PreferredAuthentications publickey

Host sol
  Hostname sol.edu.cc.uec.ac.jp
  User k1910192
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_sol

## ssh tunnel of sol (Port Fowarding, Local Forward)
#> ssh sol.edu.cc.uec.ac.jp -L 8080:proxy.uec.ac.jp:8080 -l k1910192
Host soltnl
  Hostname sol.edu.cc.uec.ac.jp
  User k1910192
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_sol
  LocalForward 8080 proxy.uec.ac.jp:8080

Host ied
  Hostname remote.ied.inf.uec.ac.jp
  User k1910192
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ied_id_rsa

Host mcnied
  Hostname a35.ied.inf.uec.ac.jp
  User k1910192
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ied_id_rsa
  ProxyJump sol

Match Host atlas,hime,saga
  ProxyJump nest

Host nest
  Hostname nest.mma.club.uec.ac.jp
  User maccha
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_nest
  ProxyJump sol

Host sunrise
  Hostname sunrise.mma.club.uec.ac.jp
  User maccha
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_sunrise
  ProxyJump sol

Host moon
  Hostname moon.mma.club.uec.ac.jp
  User maccha
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_moon
  ProxyJump sol

Host atlas
  User maccha
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_atlas

Host hime
  User maccha
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_hime

Host saga
  User maccha
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_saga

Host mmagit
  HostName gitlab.mma.club.uec.ac.jp
  User git
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_mma_gitlab

maccha/ssh_config (最終更新日時 2022-11-02 11:52:59 更新者 maccha)